
The kaki tree is a fruit tree whose cientific name is Diospyros kaki, likewise it is the name of the fruit.
The kaki has been cultivated since the S. XVII in Japan and China. In the middle of the last century it appeared spontaneously in the Valencian region,``Ribera del Xuquer´´ the variety Bright Red which you can find in the market in two ways, Classic or Persimmon.
Kaki Classic is a very ripe and soft andi t has to be eaten with a spoon.
Kaki Persimmon has hard flesh andi t can be cut or pealed like an apple andi t has the same flavour as the Kaki Classic. It has to be pointed out that Kaki Persimmon and Kaki Classic are really the same fruit, the differenc betwin them is just the time when they are harvested.
The Kaki Classic is picked when it is very ripe and it is sold like this and the Kaki Persimmon are picked semi ripe and have to receive a treatment to remove the bitter taste.